Well, Elgin Cams might be a bit of a long distance call for somebody in
Oz, but here's the #: 650-364-2187. They are in Redwood City, CA. They
do good work. Yes, that area code DID change recently.
Brian Evans wrote:
> Measure it with dial indicators: mount the rocker on the head, or clamp the
> rockershaft in a vice, or some such, move the pushrod size say .200", and
> then see what the valve end does. This will get you real close. Better is
> to do it on the engine, measuring actual valve motion compared to pushrod
> motion, which eliminates some of the geometry issues.
> I'd suggest that you call Elgin Cams, they have a lot of this stuff figured
> out and should be able to advise you on a cam, particularly if you have the
> flow data and know the rest of your engine build.