In a message dated 1/19/99 8:07:34 PM, wrote:
>You've probably guessed by now - the dreaded FIA paper inspection. Might
>be the "best" way to ensure "real vintage" - but is that what we want
>over here? Once we start down the slippery slope of over-regulation we
>may not be able to get off.
>Lets all be careful. Lets keep the fun.
Derek, I'm with you on the fun part. It would be a lot more fun for all of us
that work in tech and regulations if everyone would just build a vintage-legal
car. Then we could sit on our butts, work on our cars and talk about racing.
Unfortunately, it is a lot less "fun" for the guys with legal cars to get
their doors sucked off by cheaters. It's unfair. Let's remember the problem
here is not the guys with the legal cars. It's the guys that have to win at
any cost and don't have the guts to go SCCA. So the legal guys come to tech
and remind us that this is vintage racing. So we have to do something to try
to get things back to normal. No one would like less regulation than the
regulators - how about it, folks? Do I hear the tinkle of roller rockers
dropping into the trash cans? ;>)
Harold Pace