On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Scott Paceley wrote:
> I offer this without editorial comment:
> The Moline Dispatch -- Headline Tuesday December 29, 1998: "Garage Gone
> in Flash"
> "Brad Gustafson is lucky to be alive....
> ....Silvis police allege that the three men stole the propane tank from
> a neighbor's gas grill and were inhaling fumes inside Mr. Gustafson's
> mint-condition Chevrolet Caprice.... According to Silvis police, a
> cigarette Mr. Gustafson allegedly lit triggered the explosion"
> -- story accompanied by picture of Mr. Gustafson with bandaged hands.
"...The level of intelligence in the world is constant...
The problem is, the population keeps expanding..."
Hope your holiday was a good one... If the weather cooperates
I can get rid of some avoir dupois I gathered over my vacation...
My people will call your people... They'll do lunch...
gpetrola@prairienet.org 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois