Presuming that the wires aren't protruding from the hose end, in which case
they shouldn't be, here are two ideas. First, run the line - brake line is
small enoudh for this to work well - inside a clear plastic tube. Second,
surround the line with heat-shrink tubing before assembly, then shrink the
tubing around the line after the hose ends are put on. This has the
advantage of hiding the stainless steel, if you don't like that look.
At 05:03 PM 11/19/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Among the things I don't like about race cars (and they are damned few)
>is when i accidentally rub a wrist or hand along a steel braided line
>and slice my body open on one of those #&??&* little broken wires.
>Each time i do that, like today, I vow I'm going to use something
>Any good suggestions?
>uncle jack
>TR4 Rallye Replica vintage racer
Brian Evans
Director, Carrier Sales
UUNET, an MCI WorldCom Company
(416) 216 5111