Nick England has added some VIR history onto the page he's created on
it. Should be fun when it opens next year.
As for winter racing, my car is already in Winchester, VA for the Summit
Pt VSCCA race next weekend, and am I pleased I remember to add
anti-freeze - it's been in the 20s at night!
Anybody else coming next week?
>From Nick England:
I have scanned in three old race programs and a Sports Car article
on VIR races and added them to my VIR history page:
You might also want to check out the VIR-Club page and look at "Status".
They are having an open house several times in December and January.
There is also a map showing how they propose creating 2.2 and a 1.5
mile courses for running simultaneous schools/testing. And they'll use
the full 3.2 mile course for big events. There's also an "Alumni" page
to contact former VIR racers.
best regards & Pray for Pavement,
Nick England
VIR History Web Site