Last weekend I ran at the Brian Redman 50/50
event at Watkins Glen.
If you are interested in reading about the above event
I have put up a quicky web page to save bandwidth on long emails.
There were about 300 cars entered (all Porsches) several of
which were brought by the Porsche factory.
I don't have pictures of the event posted yet, sorry.
But there are some pictures of my car posted.
or if you are lucky just click here :
<A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~analogman/glen5050.htm";>
I have some cool video of 917s,908s etc passing me, and
me flying into the gravel trap at 90MPH, but can't watch it
until I get my camera fixed (it broke in the race).
I wish I could post that spin on my web site but not enough
room and I dont have the means to make a video file.
Regards, mike piera AnalogMike@aol.com '72 911S Targa, '73 911RS Replica
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