Jack W. Drews wrote:
> Please forgive lack of earlier response.
> Here's what we use:
> 1. Calendar with birthdays marked -- now working towards #62
> 2. Wear markers in tire tread -- when you can see them you know that the
> tires are good for only three more races
> 3. Wear markers on tires -- when you can see them all the way around you
> know you're not breaking hard enough -- no flat spots
> 4. Tire pressures -- constant attempt to correlate pressures and
> handling, measured in units of weight of fat pig
> 5. Color of inside of exhaust pipe -- bare metal means new pipe, some
> kind of color means engine has been running, rust color means new pipe
> needed
> 6. Liquid levels in various cavities indicating which seals have failed
> vs. which ones are leaking normally
> 7. Exhaust Gas Temp -- why did I buy this thing anyway if all it tells
> me is late timing puts hotter gas in the exhaust header?
> 8. Oil temp -- always off gage, evidence that heat is being generated
> 9. Stopwatch that sometimes doesn't work right, coincidently always on
> the killer lap
> 10. Teletale expression on wife's face (owner of the stopwatch) varying
> from "My Hero" to "what did you break this time"...also expression on
> (co-driver) son's face which varying from "Ha! beat the old man again"
> to "How the heck did he do that?"....
> Serious data acquistion? Heck, I'm already not racing as well as I know
> how -- I couldn't handle more proof of how mediocre I am....
> --
> uncle jack
> TR4 Rallye Replica vintage racer
The autocrosser/restorer has a similar set of items used to log data.
1. I am a few behind you, and still working, which is way behind.
2. Hell, The're good for at least another 10,000 miles, just getting
down to the approximation of slicks!
3. have the flat spots.
4. On a Mustang something like 33 in front and 29 in back until you go
5. Never seen bare or rust. Exhaust system properly installed on Boss
302 in 1973. Only bought the car in 1987!
6. Sometimes occurs after engine rebuild and has to be tweaked but then
it is not a British car.
7. EGT's worked great in Cessna Skylanes for years. Thought everybody
knew late timing = hotter exhaust. Economy verrsion is spit on finger
and touch exhaust at each cylinder measuring time to singe finger with
stopwatch from #9.
8. If electric gage blame it on Lucas and install real oil temp gage. If
real oil temp gage you are in for expense!
9. Must be a Robic with too many buttons. My solution for timing Enduros
is to alway use 2 and never touch buttons on one of them after start.
10. My 4 year old Bengal cat gives me same kind of look when I go out to
the shop to work on cars.
You forgot #11. Always install video camera just before going out to
conserve battery. This way you will get condensation in camera and it
will not turn on for 40 minutes while you are out in a 20 minute
session. Side benefit is that you can claim any lap time you want-
having been recorded on Robic used in #9 and accidentally erased by
pushing the wrong button. There will not be incriminating evidence on
the video. Bad thing about it is that if you had recorded it on video,
and given me the tape, I could corroborate whatever time you want by
digital manipulation of the audio and video..... for a fee of course.
Agree with your last statemnet entirely. I already know I am not doing
as good as I believe I can do, so who needs scientific proof. See you