After many years of not buying "lotsa books", recently
I've been buying many of them at eBay auction site
I have recently added
Offenhauser/White,Gordon (in-print)
Miller/Borgeson, Griffith
Golden Age of the American Racing Car/Borgeson, Griffith
(extra copy for sale if anyone is interested $40)
Illustrated History of Sprint Cars/Fox, Jack
Illustrated History of Indianapolis 500/Fox, Jack
Board Tracks, Gut, Gold & Glory/Walloon, Dick
I also have 19 years of Automobile Quarterly
Vol 1 through Vol 19 (extra) for sale. Looking for
AQ Vol 29 to current. Also looking for a book by
Mark Dees called The Miller Dynasty.
Also looking for any mention of the HAL engined
sprint cars from the 30s and 40s. I recently purchased
a dirt "Big Car" fitted with a HAL engine (not just a HAL
head on a B block, but has HAL block with 5 mains.
Need to find all HAL related information. This car
was known in the mid-west as the Johnson #8 HAL.
Steve Hammatt
Mount Vernon WA
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Hayes <hayes@mediaone.net>
To: Vintage Race List <vintage-race@autox.team.net>
Date: Saturday, July 04, 1998 10:30 AM
Subject: Books for Racing Drivers
>I found a few minutes this long weekend to start compiling a list of my
>books on cars and racing. I was astounded to find I have 41 books
>written for racing drivers on race technique, participation, etc. and
>the oldest was from 1950.
>Many of these books have been found in used bookstores around the Boston
>Anybody know of any I've missed? Collecting can be obsessive you know...
>Regards, Jim
>Title Author Date
>Racing Drivers Handbook Quisenberry, Jimmy 1950
>Racing a Sports Car Mortimer, Charles 1951
>Stirling Moss�s Book of Motorsport Moss, Stirling 1955
>Sports Car Rallies, Trials & Gymkhanas Hebb, David & Peck, Authur 1956
>Guide to Competition Driving O�Shea, Paul 1957
>Motor Racing Davis, S.C.H. 1957
>The Racing Driver Jenkinson, Denis 1958
>The Technique of Motor Racing Taruffi, Piero 1959
>Sports Car Events Clarke, Robert 1959
>Jack Brabhams Motor Racing Book Brabham, Jack 1960
>Getting Ready to Race Anderson, Dick 1962
>Tackle Motor Sport This Way Berg, Ivan 1962
>Sports Car & Competition Driving Frere, Paul 1963
>Road Racing USA Jackson, Robert 1964
>Competitive Driving Roberts, Peter, ed. 1964
>Modern Motor Sport Bradford, L.E. 1964
>The Art & Technique of Driving Moss, Pat & Carlsson, Erik 1965
>A Guide To American Sports Car Racing Stone, William & Dain, martin 1967
>Getting Ready to Race Anderson, Dick & Stone, Bill 1968
>Motor Racing in Safety Henderson, Michael 1968
>Driving in Competition Alan Johnson 1971
>NYTimes Complete Guide to Auto Racing Radosta, John 1971
>Road Racing in America Engel, Lyle 1971
>Racing Drivers� Manual Frank Gardner 1973
>International Motor Racing Nye, Doug 1973
>The Way to Win Turner, Stuart 1974
>High Performance Driving Peterson, Paul 1974
>The Art & Science of Grand Prix Driving Lauda, Niki 1975
>How To Watch Motor Sport Moss, Stirling 1975
>Competition Driving Marshall, Gerry 1979
>Race Car Driver Kaatz, Evelyn 1979
>Playboy�s Guide to Rallying, Racing and Sports Car Driving Neely,
>William 1981
>Driving to Win Holbert, Al & Bob 1982
>High Performance Driving Bondurant, Bob 1982
>The Drivers Handbook Scott, Peter 1984
>High Performance Driving Training Manual Bondurant, Bob 1984
>The Art of Motor Racing Fittipaldi, Emerson 1987
>Racing Drivers Manual Roos, Bertil 1987
>Driver Training Manual McKeever, Dan for Cal Club 1988
>Sports Car & Competition Driving Frere, Paul 1992
>Principles of Performance Driving Stewart, Jackie 1992