Good God man, an Italian woman wearing Nylon!
Boy, I wouldn't even have the nerve to suggest that anybody would believe
her capable of wearing such a thing.
Actually, on a serious note, the lady drivers at the Coys Silverstone
Festival this year were questioned on their choice of underwear by the
scrutineers. Sensing voyeurism being the motive, they admitted that thier
worry was women wearing nylon underwear which is dangerously flammable.
True, under three piece nomex it seems implausible that these bits would get
burnt but then again I suppose one just can't be too safe (as the condom
slogans suggest).
As to going "necked" as you so elegantly refer to it, I imagine she would
probably not wish to do that as a result of either feeling insufficiently
dressed or some form of Italian catholic guilt syndrome which even after
several years of living in the country I am no closer to clearly understanding.
Thanks for your suggestions,
>In a message dated 97-12-27 04:44:06 EST, writes:
> Can any listers suggest where the lady might be able to source some suitable
> lingerie which while graceful and comfortable to wear would offer some
> degree of fire protection to her physical assets?
> >>
>What does she have that might catch on fire that's much different than what
>the rest of us have? Three layers over whatever she normally wears should do
>the job. If she might be concerned about Nylon or other synthetic
>undergarments melting, etc. she could always go "necked" underneath.
>A thought for everyone regardless of sex on racing fires; by the time your
>underwear catches fire, you needn't really worry about it too much.