I bought my Hoosiers for my TR4 not because they were available at the
tractor store, and not because they were going to make me go around
corners faaaast, but because BFG's run by my buddies ceased to exist and
the Hoosiers were the only ones I knew to buy (beginner's ignorance, I
I bought the right size - 5.00 / 15 -- but you're all right, they ARE
wide, even if they do say "vintage" on the side. It sure seems like they
are about the same width as the Blue Streaks I raced on in the late
60's, though, but that could be because of my selective memory.
ANYWAY, I'll be the first in the ranks to take the volunteer's step
forward -- if VSCDA and SVRA, my two sanctioning bodies, would care to
mandate tires from a manufacturer who makes tires the right size and
compound, I will buy them and not complain, when I have to replace mine.