Thanks..I always enjoy this televised event. The downside is that the
ESPN coverage has eroded into so many commercials and fluff stuff. I
tape it and then fast forward through the commercials.
I reran a 1991? tape recently, while duping for a friend, and marveled
at the race coverage...quantity & quality. Great content with an
emotional Sam Posey as he recounted his Tran-Am days and fellow drivers
who passed on....and there was a trophy awarded in honor of Jim
Patterson (Iowa Boy) who was deeply involved in this series.
Of course, I know, this great coverage has been overshadowed
enuf of this whining.
BTW, I thought SpeedVision did a nice job on the RunOffs
> ----------
> From: Greg Rickes[]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 1997 8:16 AM
> To: Dan Jack; Craig Robertson; Tony LeBoutillier; Jim Bucci, editor,
> The Knock-Off; Bob Kehoe; Alan Claffie, webmaster, unofficial BGNN;
> Jeff Eichelberger,IMS; Russ Jaslow; Dave Reininger; Mohawk-Hudson
> Region SCCA; AUTORACE; New England Region SCCA email list; Vintage
> Racing e-list
> Subject: Trying to keep track of LRP TV times
> I've been trying to keep track of the broadcast schedule
> for Lime Rock's vintage festival, but it seems to be a moving
> target. Here's what I've pieced together so far:
> Sunday November 30 3 p.m EST ESPN2 -- from a promo I saw on ESPN2
> Wed. Dec. 3 1:30 p.m. ESPN -- from the TV listing in RACER
> Fri. Dec. 5 2 a.m. EST " "
> Tues Dec 23 3:30 a.m. EST " "
> I think this is a one hour program.
> The season recap for the Barber Dodge Pro Series also starts this
> weekend:
> Sunday Nov 30 1 p.m. EST ESPN2 -- from TV listing in RACER
> Tuesday Dec 2 4:30 a.m. EST ESPN2 " "
> Tuesday Dec 9 5 a.m. EST ESPN2 " "
> Monday Dec. 22 5 a.m. EST ESPN2 " "
> Its probably worthwhile rechecking your local TV listing or the
> ESPN www site for last minute changes/additions/etc.
> Regards
> Greg Rickes