TO all,
I don't think there's a lack of interest here... it's just that we're
all settling in to our winter " without racing" depression mode. Then
there's the "how am I gonna knock down the Visa balance (lot's o' race
parts) in time for Christmas" mode. You think about updating your web
site <> over the Thanksgiving holiday.
About January, things start looking up... the race season looms on the
horizon. You start planning the race season schedule. The Porsche guys
go out and buy all new cheater parts. The Brit guys make major buys in
Oil Dri for the space where the race cars's been hibernating all winter.
The Alfa guys try to figure out why it costs $30,000 to build a race car
that everyone couldn't sell in the offseason for $13K. The AntiPasto....
I mean MonoPosto guys consider other methods of elevating themselves
from the "riff raff".
Team Thicko
SmartAss Poster child wrote:
> Hey Jis,
> I wasn't complaining about the free driving suit stuff, I just
> couldn't
> understand a lot of it, Duh.
> You're right about the lack of interest. I have been trying to stir it
> up a
> bit. The same names keep popping up, so I wonder how many folks are
> out
> there.
> JW