> HELP!!!!!
> I need to paint the floors of an automotive business and need a source of
> "bullet proof" paint.
I was faced with the same problem eight years ago when I moved into my
present hourse. I had used a succession of relatively low cost "sealers"
and "paints" on garage floors which did not last, were a waste of time,
and which did not resist either gasoline or brake fluid.
When I moved to the present domicile and a new factory job, I purchased
the same stuff being used to coat machine tool pits prior to installing
the machines. It was EXPENSIVE at the time -- the cost was between $250
and $400 for my at-home 22 x 28 garage. Results: Totally impervious to
all the abuse I could heap upon it. Gasoline proof. Brake fluid proof.
I've never been sorry I did it. Now, after eight years, some areas need
re-coating - especially where spinning snowblower wheels with chains on
them abraded the paint off.
The product is an epoxy two part system made by Parker. Here, it was
sold by Iowa Paint - presumably not in business where you are. Bottom
line - pant - gasp - go with the high line two part epoxy stuff and you
won't regret it.
uncle jack