This message is primarily directed at CSRG members, however inputs from all
are welcomed.
The CSRG board has asked me if I would volunteer to take on the duties of
Chief Driver Observer for the 1998 season, and I have agreed (Big Mistake
#1). The DO program is CSRG's primary vehicle for maintaining driver
discipline. It has been a bit neglected of late, and I've been asked to help
revive it (perhaps Big Mistake #2).
Anyway, I'll be attending the board meeting tomorrow evening and will be
presenting some ideas as to what I'd like to do next season to encourage more
participation in the DO program, and make it more effective. I'm interested
in hearing any comments or suggestions you might have along these lines. I'm
optimistic your input will prevent me from making big mistake #3.....
Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus (worried about setting a good example next season) Cortina Mk1
P.S. On another subject, Don Queen (1956 Alfa Spyder) is running for the
board next year, and I would encourage you to consider supporting him with
your vote in the upcoming election.