The capability exists to filter messages, and even more interestingly, to
seek out, find, and deliver messages of interest to an individual. This
can be done in a variety of ways, including some pretty trick systems which
can read mail, and extrapolate the subject matter.
But even at their simplest, such features are not trivial or inexpensive to
implement properly...and thus aren't likely to be incorporated into a
discussion group of this type.
But a business with which I am involved is developing the kind of thing
you're talking about, and will employ it within an extraordinary new site,
related wholly to area of which is vintage.
But not wanting to dwell on a non vintage racing topic, I suggest anyone
interested in discussing this further, e-mail me directly.
No flames please. Just addressing a question.
At 04:39 PM 11/2/97 -0500, you wrote:
><< Recent V-R posts on F1 and screening software have gone from rude to
>foolish. I thought vintage racers were gentlemen and ladies. Clean up
>act folks, please!>>
>Sorry if I offended with the original posting - only trying to make a point
>in what I thought was a humorous way.
>The sad thing is that so far we haven't had a single response on the
>technical capability of providing a filter to all internet mailing lists.
>In theory this could be built into the list software or the email software
>and address either the originator or the message content - especially if
>the list agreed some convention for thesubject matter such as Sports, FA,
>FV, FF etc.
>The problem therefore remains.