At 03:55 PM 05/08/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Vintage Racers,
>I was recently informed by another VARA member that it has
>finally been decided that plastic fuel cells, even when encased
>in steel, would no longer meet the safety requirements for VARA.
>VARA for some time has put a formal FIA requirement on cells,
>and it is my understanding that the plastic cells could not meet
>FIA requirements.
The FIA spec, similar if not identical to SCCA, Nascar, etc, is one that
plastic cells could meet, and may in fact meet already.
We have one club member in VARAC who is both an Engineer, and stubborn as
hell! When we brought in our rule requireing CASC approved cells (which
means FIA spec, in essence), he read the fine print that said "or equivalent
per the following mechanical standards...". He then analysed the tank he
had - a JAZ equivalent, basically, and determined that with a metal shell it
met the required standards, and wrote a professional opinion on the matter
to CASC, who accepted his documentation and allowed his cell, but only his!
I have a fuelSafe Sportsman, and it totally satisfactory in every way.