I have exactly what you describe: a freshly rebuilt Mk 8 Hewland with
Spicer flanges. That's the good news. The bad news is it's going in my
Lotus 23. The other news is that the flanged outputs were built by the
Halibrand people in California and they'll surely do it again. It would be
a good idea to contact Butch Gilbert, Bx 785, Westley, CA 95387 (209)894
3950. He is the person who actually purchased the axles from Halibrand for
my Hewland.
> From: Dave Scarlett> Date: Tuesday, July 15, 1997 3:33 PM
> I'd asked this before but still need some help.
> Looking fo a complete Hewland Mk.8 transaxle or maybe a Mk. 9
> hopefully with flanged half shaft for Spicer universals.
> Has anyone tried cutting the "ears" of the dognut style shafts and
> welding on new flanges?
> Any info, parts or what-have-you greatly reveived.
> Thanks,
> Dave Scarlett