The Temple of Triumph, a British Sports Car club here in Tallahasse
Florida is having a contest!!!! Visit our web site at: (case sensitive)
There you will find a couple of pictures of a TR3 and a few hints as to the
year. Your job is to guess the VIN number. The hints also include a link to
the Vintage Triumph Register homepage which has a list of the VIN numbers
according to the changes made to the vehicle by year. If astute, these hints
will narrow your guess within a few hundres numbers. This contest is just for
fun the the lucky winner will receive the last tee shirt we have from our
Southeast regional VTR meet. There are no restrictions as to who can enter,
but you can only enter once and the shirt (XL) will be mailed to you free of
charge, anywhere in the world. Or at least where $10 postage will take it. So
go ahead, give it a try!!!!! Please sign our guest book whilst there too.