I hate to see anyone miss their turn in the spotlight - particularly
someone I know and like. The latest issue of Victory Lane Magazine
sports a wonderful picture of a pristine TR3 closely followed by a lime
green Porsche 356 on the cover; unfortunately, the driver of the TR3 is
mis-identified as Phil Bradbury - not so! The driver is actually Mike
Jackson, Grand Wazoo of Battle of Britain Racing!!! The 356 driver is
Keith Denahan. Both drivers are members of Florida Region, SCCA and are
well known throughout the Southeast for their driving talents. Phil
Bradbury does drive a TR3 and has contributed an amusing article to this
issue of Victory Lane - perhaps that is what caused the cover photo to
be mis-labelled.
Now that I've set THAT story straight, what's this about my being the
"King of the Bread Fights"... (does this mean I can trail my name with
the KFB title...)???
John A. Rollins, KFB (hey, doesn't look too bad!!!)