Andy Hiller wrote:
> Can anyone confirm the Summit Point story and provide the name of the
> driver?
Yes - unfortunately it is true. I am forwarding some information posted
yesterday by Josh Cockey plus some further info.
My race was early in the day so I dont have first hand knowledge, but a
close friend was in that race driving a Chevron B19. He came around
shortly afterward and saw the Beemer in the trees standing almost
vertical. The BMW driver was already out of the car and was walking
with the assistance of a corner worker. He saw nothing of the B21 which
apparently was in the woods, nor did he see any signs of debris on the
track - just a large group of safety workers in the general area. The
B21 belonged to Joe Hish. I don't know the circumstance that John Legat
was driving either a loaner or rent-a-ride or whatever. The car was cut
in two upon impact. The race continued under full course yellow for
several laps and then ended.
No mention of the incident was made at the awards ceremony after the
race, and nothing was said on the P.A. system during the event.
The rest is from:
Josh Cockey | Chief, Flag & Comm
1225 Woodstock Road | Washington DC Region, SCCA
King George, VA 22485 | Home: [540] 663-3260
Near the end of the Vintage 1 hour Wyer Cup Enduro Race for cars raced
between 1966 and 1980 at the Jefferson 500 event at Summit Point Raceway
yesterday, a Chevron B21 driven by John Legat of Carol Stream, IL
to pass a BMW at turn 2. The 2 cars made contact and went off track
left between turns 2 and 3. The driver of the Chevron was killed
on impact with the bank and trees about 80-100 feet off track on what is
essentially a straight portion of the circuit. The driver of the BMW
(whose name I don't have as he was not on my early entry list) received
apparent injuries other then bruises from his harness. F & C personnel
were on the scene in seconds and EV was dispatched immediately, but
was nothing they could have done to save him. The race was checkered
under full course double-yellow by the stewards.
These cars race under SVRA rules and requirements which are
similar but
not identical to SCCA rules.