A Letter to the "Friends of SVRA"
from Syd Silverman
This is to briefly comment on an "Open Letter" reportedly sent to you by our
member, Pat Ryan. Regrettably, Mr. Ryan's letter is factually inaccurate
with regard to the contention that an agreement in principal to sell SVRA to
the "Friends" group was reached at Homestead. No such agreement was reached
then or subsequently.
More largely, while we are forever looking for ways to improve SVRA events
and enjoyment, the facts appear to support the view that the vast majority of
our members are satisfied with our offerings. For example, entries at the
recent Roebling event were 21% ahead of last year. At this writing, entries
for both Elkhart Lake and Mid-Ohio are running well ahead of the comparable
year-ago period. Also, a post-event survey of our entrants at this year's
first three races (two of which were new) was overwhelmingly favorable and
positive among the respondents (the response rate at this point is over 30%).
Additionally, SVRA membership has reached a record level of l,750 for this
time of the year. You should also know that Carl Jensen has been appointed
Competition Director and will be at all of our SVRA weekends.
We are not happy if even a small group of members are less than fully pleased
with our efforts. We invite all reasonable suggestions and constructive,
actionable criticisms. Please send your suggestions to the numbers below and
the SVRA office. Thank you.
I appreciate your continued support of SVRA and I felt that it was important
that the record be made clear that the vast majority of SVRA members are
pleased with our events and their membership.
Thank you again for your support.
Syd Silverman
Chairman, Sportscar Vintage Racing Association
Telephone: (203) 625-0025
Fax: (203) 625-8625
Sportscar Vintage Racing Association, P. O. Box 489, Charleston, SC 29402
Phone (803) 723-7872 Fax (803) 723-7372