> Editing to video is like trim to carpenters... that's what makes it look
> good. And since my primary business is audio... remember "video without
> audio is surveilance camera!".
> I experimented with different mic positions. In the 912 you have Rich,
> wind noise might not be such a problem... but in a Sprite it is. I run a
> remote mic in the trunk, just above the exhaust megaphone.
How about a PZM type mic.? I don't know if they still have them, but Radio
Shark used to carry one that was actually OEM'd from Crown. With the stock
single double A battery it was OK, but with a pair of higher voltage
batteries stacked in them they were pretty sweet. (Sorry I don't remember
the battery number, but I might be able to find it if you're interested.)
I've never tried one in such an environment, but being a flat plate I'd
imagine the mounting possibilities would be much better than a conventional
mic. They have a hemispherical pickup pattern but with just a little dense
foam you can easily change the pattern. I have used a pair mounted on a
plexiglass sheet as overheads on drums in an outdoor environment and the
wind noise was minimal. Now I realize you're dealing with just a tad bit
more air movment <big ole grin> but I'd be willing to bet you'd get good
But there most important characteristic is they are almost unaffected by
any reflected sounds, like you'd get in the trunk. For example when placed
flat on a table in a conference room you hear just the person speaking and
almost NONE of the room sound. I've seen them used on the floor in a
theatrical performance with great results.