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Re: FYI: Lime Rock Vintage Fest TV broadcast schedule

Subject: Re: FYI: Lime Rock Vintage Fest TV broadcast schedule
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 09:52:43 -0500
Simon Favre writes:
> Kevin O'Connor is right to gripe about the coverage:
> >If this ESPN broadcast is anything like their coverage special on the
>  >Monterey Historics it won't be worth watching.
>  I couldn't agree more, but remember, they are condensing a 3-day event
>  into one hour!  They should definitely lose the bogus commentary. ;=)
>  There simply isn't time to listen to that sort of drivel.

The LRP coverage also has a large portion devoted to the Sunday
concours event.  Too large, IMHO, though I think last year's was a
bit better than the Shelby-fest two years ago.  A long interview with
Carroll, a year-by-year detailed listing of variations in the Shelby
Mustangs at the concours, and domination of the race coverage by
the ex-Trans-Am group.  Some of the other race groups ended up with
all of 20-30 seconds of coverage -- [Shot from Big Bend looking up the
front straight] "Here's Group 3, 1950-60 sports racers, taking the green
flag." [Show leader going into T1.  Cut to leader taking chequered flag.]
"And here's the winner of the group."  Pitiful.

Dave Williamson  (

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