Jim has hit the nail on the head when he wrote:
1) It must be safe and 2) It must conform to the rulebook of its era. Cars
not meeting
these rules would be excluded for safety reasons or forced run with a 2 foot
"lemon" on the trunk until they are put in conformity with the rules of the
> Enuff soapboxing for today -
Here in Canada we can easily chart some of these things because tracks like
have been in operation since a lot of our vintage cars were contemporary
ones... the
lap times are scary. We have cars going so much faster than they ever went
then... I
know that fuel, track surface and head flowing etc. are all better but... whats
purpose of a Sprite like some in the midwest that really is just a silouhette
race car -
We are always fighting (up here) what is allowed in the States by some clubs
vs. our
own rule book i.e. we only allow bug eye Sprites with 948cc. They were never
with 1275s. We are always fighting losing members and racers to US clubs
some of our guys feel uncompetitive when they go south.
Why not just go contemporary racing and get it over with. 1966 is 30 years gone
can't be replayed. A '59 Sprite will always be a '59 Sprite. If it was raced
back then, it
CAN'T have equipment or mods that existed later.
This whole thread begs the question of JUST WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF VINTAGE
RACING and if gets so out of shape, why bother. I really wish everyone who
views this
as either a cheaper way to go racing or an easier way to be a champ to just go
some other place.
Now I can off my soapbox