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Re: MINILITE the answer

Subject: Re: MINILITE the answer
From: Chad Raynal <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 06:46:55 -0800
What about all the vintage Trans-Am cars running the magnesium
MINILITE's?  The wheels in question were never exposed to the elements
without some type of coating/paint for the first twelve years of their life
(on a car for 6,000 miles) and then powder coated about thirteen years
ago, but never re-mounted on car (tires were never even mounted).  To
this day, the car they were purchased for has less than 11,800 Sunday
cruise miles on it.  Just to elaborate on the car and the previous owner a
little more; the car has been garaged every day since new, and has yet
to see the rain.  The rims have been sitting in boxes in the guys garage
for the past thirteen years.  Should I still be tremendously worried?


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