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Mille Miglia

Subject: Mille Miglia
From: (Jim Isbell)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 15:22:15 -0500
All this talk reminds me of an idea I once had.

Does anyone have an interest in organising a race (staged rally type) for
Formula cars from the Canadian border to the Mexican border?  ( or reverse,
or Round Robbin)

By formula cars, I mean essentially all open wheel race designed cars (no
sprint cars).  There would be of course classes and the trick would be not
speed, but accracy.  Maybe a few speed runs of 50 to 100 miles in parallel
with the main course for those who were interested.
         JIM I.

"Prefiero morrir de pie que vivir de rodillas."

                                                         Gen. Emiliano Zapata

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