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Re: [TR] As part of the centenary of the Triumph marque...​

To: bill beecher <> cy0hwnRSMiI5oEFRCzzRjIG8D5SMvY9f1aPikzLbX/dYfD1KxUmK/lTtHpCYymT+OyNS95m zYefmgLdOTds4aRfL/epIzkJg0NqxDkSaf8OJ10K4GyWzhaX4wJAGgSG0kqYHOy5JhpeZ4S 2Y3Kn0ikJl0KbiNbgcnwQ==
Subject: Re: [TR] As part of the centenary of the Triumph marque...​
From: John Macartney <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 19:40:58 +0100
Cc: Triumphs list <>
Ui-outboundreport: notjunk:1;M01:P0:w+/FzBkHH9s=;k1R41hojaW92XhMVZYEu9XxgBMO d/6U6Z2T+QaV39m4RxP/mRBvrP/pJ01tcIuk1/k8JZu19RFa5ww4j+Tj6yeyxQ4UUxIgAOuSV DtPhjvWX3HQI21tWrJjYAJrBP+a3lIiJAHm2edoHjjRkzBARcE8SsX4iYZrLtrHRiKyUsNrKO uh4jDbna0PC+CPc7bcdr99Y/1fcM25Igvl3QG7L7IzwRNNLF4Vjj4TUOsYjRZezZp4pjpYaAP 6rJABy+Or17dZcpUu2a1Ls7l4bedNfDWRsvFK3uTDTV3TYe+kUxwNzCUubYCeSNiDeUUlCAEf GG9LBKEhWVQeM7fF1/+Sfxp4SfYGTADyFRRw/+qBO/RbwxBHPZMDuZ6La1zWRMRVSV/l7KVe3 3Thap3PZdZInlssHheTilpdq4XkiaLfWc7PQd0GF0Tir/0o2h+UxvnV0TXBwtSs9MHXGBmWx+ TwK2HlGS8rG7MEC3WbQxo2COSsHkoavP1oKaUkeTqKWmS7/7GSxDCaVbuxFMaalpPxbmRD7XF A00alD9As0yB9vMxDZJjVk729Q+a9IHgJuE3CLKJG9JpsZ1uICbzd2283valanBm5u3mxF82h imqGDWGJLfXewS1Tg8+kSfR0JBM57XusdJkIljsma6xSa0mgZqAjNpbgUMj9Ts62+Kbprp0pw pApWWjOVA8Lfv1DS/kcLPbi+xwPjvn5yOIfGQTrykHj2qqqNhV0UHiKLE/+OX2NN8tg8ODvFK 2lOGs/khXrzjZMK97IH0jBgPrfkKFRZzSAphIJHp2EhNz1IjVSdvGxkTsxibgBtHrKIOcM3UN leBeHyh6muHIGu9T7pT03wpHe1WJwpvHzZfCumM4rprgCLzRjgdwtRwvABluhqhsAJ4VBwuDJ MwcYIvi/W3xmkIbWOzxStnSVy/IJrwPJpXs56nnuht4gkaF33VyDtQ07UZT6Akq6bP9lCQnne Wz9noE7qhmGqSGM/hTw20Dcri7M=
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The car side broke away from the bicycle and motorcycle side in 1936. By 193=
9, the car business was in dire financial straits and effectively ceased tra=
ding in 1939 just before WW2. There are a variety of opinions on why it went=
 bust but I think the principal reason was it strived to make too many diffe=
rent models. While this was encouraging for the potential buyer, the key iss=
ue was they tried to cover too many different model types and didn=E2=80=99t=
 make enough of any of them to recoup the design and manufacturing costs.=20=

On top of that, the car factory itself in Priory Street was really quite sma=
ll, in the middle of Coventry city centre and by the time Hitler=E2=80=99s L=
uftwaffe had flattened Coventry in November 1940, the real estate value of t=
he site was pennies. That goes a long way to explaining the relatively small=
 outlay from Standard in 1945 to acquire the Triumph name and manufacturing r=
ights. Hope this clarifies?


Sent from a piece of electronic papyrus I found in King Tut=E2=80=99s tomb

> On 25 Jun 2023, at 04:16, bill beecher <> wrote:
> I always thought the Triumph car didn=E2=80=99t come about till the =E2=80=
=9830s.  When did they split with the motorbike folks?
> Bill B
> =E2=80=9CShoot low sheriff, she=E2=80=99s riding a shetland=E2=80=9D =E2=80=
> On Jun 24, 2023, at 7:30 PM, Don Hiscock <> wrote:
> As time goes by and I've gotten to see many more 1930s sports-racers at pl=
aces like Goodwood, that era has really grown on me.  Especially the pre-194=
0 Triumphs
> Here are some nice ones, along with a bunch of other S-T products at Walto=
n Hall in Warrington, Cheshire, UK in May 2023.
> ** **
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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Bill,<div><br></div><div>The car side broke=
 away from the bicycle and motorcycle side in 1936. By 1939, the car busines=
s was in dire financial straits and effectively ceased trading in 1939 just b=
efore WW2. There are a variety of opinions on why it went bust but I think t=
he principal reason was it strived to make too many different models. While t=
his was encouraging for the potential buyer, the key issue was they tried to=
 cover too many different model types and didn=E2=80=99t make enough of any o=
f them to recoup the design and manufacturing costs.&nbsp;</div><div>On top o=
f that, the car factory itself in Priory Street was really quite small, in t=
he middle of Coventry city centre and by the time Hitler=E2=80=99s Luftwaffe=
 had flattened Coventry in November 1940, the real estate value of the site w=
as pennies. That goes a long way to explaining the relatively small outlay f=
rom Standard in 1945 to acquire the Triumph name and manufacturing rights. H=
ope this clarifies?</div><div><br></div><div>Jonmac<br><br><div id=3D"AppleM=
ailSignature" dir=3D"ltr">Sent from a piece of electronic papyrus I found in=
 King Tut=E2=80=99s tomb</div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>On 25 Jun 2023, at 04:16,=
 bill beecher &lt;<a href=3D"";>notakitcar@yahoo.c=
om</a>&gt; wrote:<br><br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><m=
eta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8">I alw=
ays thought the Triumph car didn=E2=80=99t come about till the =E2=80=9830s.=
 &nbsp;When did they split with the motorbike folks?<div>Bill B<br><br><div d=
ir=3D"ltr">=E2=80=9CShoot low sheriff, she=E2=80=99s riding a shetland=E2=80=
=9D =E2=80=A6B.Wills</div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>On Jun 24, 2023, at 7:30 PM, D=
on Hiscock &lt;<a href=3D"";>
m</a>&gt; wrote:<br><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<div dir=3D"ltr"><di=
v><div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-size:small">As time goes by and=
 I've gotten to see many more 1930s sports-racers at places like Goodwood, t=
hat era has really grown on me.&nbsp; Especially the pre-1940 Triumphs</div>=
<div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-size:small"><br></div><div class=3D=
"gmail_default" style=3D"font-size:small">Here are some nice ones, along wit=
h a bunch of other S-T products at Walton Hall in Warrington, Cheshire, UK i=
n May 2023.</div><br></div><a href=3D""; target=3D=
<span>** <a href=3D"";><=
/a> **</span><br><span></span><br><span>Donate: <a href=3D"
 <a href=3D"";>
rmail/triumphs</a> &nbsp;<a href=3D"";>http://www.=</a></span><br><span></span><br><span>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a=


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