Although many who have gone through frustrating restorations may feel
differently, I am going to assume that it would not be realistic to say
"everything" so I am going to say high quality critical mechanical parts.
Here is why, if a fender or floor panel doesn't fit I can massage and work
it to remedy the situation, if a bearing or camshaft or waterpump is out of
spec or made of poor quality materials, and I don't have quality
alternatives I can't fix that, I am stuck using the inferior part.
Greg Lemon
From: "John Macartney" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 4:09 AM
To: "'William Pugh'" <>; "'TR3/6'"
Subject: Re: [TR] Hypothetical
> Depends which market and product range you're addressing. If it's simply
> North America, then Spitfire, GT6 and TR. But, given the fact that two
> seaters only accounted for about 20% of total company output, there is
> just
> as wide a following throughout the rest of the world for the non-sports
> car
> Triumphs and there are thousands of those in superb condition.
> Additionally,
> NOS and high quality parts are still widely available (though many are not
> cheap) but the moan from enthusiasts down the years is for a complete
> range
> of body parts - and not just the outer panels. Anyone want to fund the
> press
> tools required?
> Jonmac
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