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Re: [TR] gauges- wiggling and bouncing

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] gauges- wiggling and bouncing
From: "" <>
Date: Fri, 03 May 2013 17:21:44 -0400
Figured out part of the speedometer/cruise control issue.  I had a clamp on the 
cable about six inches from sender on the Speedo side.  Apparently I had it to 
tight.  With the speedometer cable disconnected from speed sender the cruise 
works great.  With everything connected again the needle moves about +- 1 mph 
and the cruise control doesn't seem to mph.

I am going to pull the speedometer and check it out as the insides seem to be 
moving around a bit.

Now to figure out the oil pressure gauge.

Sent from my HTC Inspireb" 4G on AT&T

----- Reply message -----
From: "Brad Kahler" <>
To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: gauges- wiggling and bouncing
Date: Fri, May 3, 2013 2:47 pm
Two of the gauges on my 63 TR4 are acting up.
The first is the oil pressure gauge which is the mechanical type. B The 
readings seem to be accurate but the needle quivers or vibrates like crazy. B 
It seems to do it at all pressures. B I don't know that I've ever seen a 
mechanical oil pressure gauge do this. B Any thoughts?

The second problem is the speedometer. B The needleB fluctuates about 1 to 4 
mph while driving. I'm certain it's the speedometer cable. B The cable is brand 
new and is a two piece cable with a speed sensor inline for the cruise control. 
B I didn't lubricate the cable before installation assuming since it was new it 
shouldn't need anything. B When I say new, I had it custom made by a 
speedometer shop in Denver. B A short 8" section from the transmission to the 
speed sensor and then a longer one from the sensor to the gauge. B There are no 
sharp bends in the cable and B to the best of my knowledge it follows the same 
routing as the original.

The cable is providing to much speed variation for the cruise control to work 
Assuming it needs lubricating, what's the best lubricant for the speedometer 

Brad1963 TR4

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