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[TR] Metric threads on GT6 / TR-6 motor mounts - anyone else notice this

Subject: [TR] Metric threads on GT6 / TR-6 motor mounts - anyone else notice this lately - long posting
From: aribert neumann <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 08:20:28 -0400
Greeting all:

Anyone recently bought Triumph motor mounts where the threaded stud was
metric instead of inch?

Recently I purchased new motor mounts for my Spit bodied GT6 from a US
supplier specializing in the small Triumphs .  Last night I took the time
to install the first of them.  The new mounts came w/ nuts on the studs -
this was a bit unusual so I checked the threads - M10x1.25 (fine thread)
instead of 3/8-24.  Leads me to think these are Chi-com or similar parts
(along with the "rubber" that had flashed onto the mounting surface that I
had to cut off to make the part fit properly).  If the supplier has no
issues with making a fastener substitution, what other substitution are
they willing to make?  If the vendor is willing to supply one inferior part
- how many others that they sell might be inferior?

Anyone else replaced motor mounts recently in a GT6 or TR6 (not sure what
else shares this part)?   The  Spit 1500 appears to have a similar mount
but with a single stud instead of dual 3/8-24 studs - not sure what the
earlier Spit motor mounts looked like.  If so did the part include new
nuts? Did you check if the threads were metric?  I realize that service
parts such as these are made in small runs - I suspect that the worldwide
demand for TR-6 / GT6 motor mounts may not exceed a few hundred pcs per
year.  Maybe we are down to one willing supplier and it is a take it or
leave it situation - I am just trying to see if there are other options
before I contact the vendor.

Motor mounts are pretty straightforward and hard to screw up  but I also
bought new front spindles from the same vendor that I will not get around
to installing for several months and I am a bit concerned about a poorly
machined part or a bad material substitution by some 3rd world supplier.
Spindles are a bit more mission critical than a motor mount.

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