We always have a 'Phantom Car Show' to kick off British Car Week -- it was
held last Saturday at an empty parking lot in mid-town Tucson. Drew about
40 cars, no formalities or prizes -- just rolls & cookies and bring your
own coffee.
As a complete surprise to us, this fellow was in Flagstaff and heard about
it from one of our members in New Mexico. He made a 'little' side trip
(from his 50,000 mile One Lap for America) to participate:
It made a nice addition to our celebration of the week.
Geo H
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Alex & Janet Thomson <
aljlthomson at charter.net> wrote:
> LBC Drivers - Don't forget! This is British Car Week. Sidestep the few
> showers and get the old iron out and running. See the link.
> Alex Thomson
> Connecticut Triumph Register
> www.britishcarweek.org
> ** triumphs at autox.team.net **
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