Hey Lou... Read the posts again!
The trials and tribulations of TRF been
well documented and debated here for years. Yes, sometimes it has been
bashing, over the top, and unnecessary. It wasn't the case in this instance,
but the original poster may have been someone new to Triumphs and the TRF
return game. So this 24 year customer - who's spent THOUSANDS with TRF -
reserves the right to tell my story and relay anything helpful I can to him.
So back off and stop trying to become the list police.
Is this the place
for unnecessary bashing without cause? Absolutely no way. The place for
truthful sharing of Triumph experiences of all kinds. Yes.
Joe Merone
South Burlington, VT
>any bashing of suppliers while naming the
supplier will earn
>the writer an automatic six month suspension from this
hallowed list.
>I refuse to sink to the childish level that we have
just read. I
>have always chalked it up to experience. I will be willing
to wager that
>TRF will be very happy without these basher's business.
>Lou Metelko
>Auburn, Indiana
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