Just curious, is there anyone from TRF customer service that monitors these
posts? Do they ever respond to the list?
Personally, I have had good support from TRF. The only problem I had was
with their supplier in England who mis-cut the rear bulkhead panel for my
TR3, it took several months for them to send it to England have it remade
and then returned. I felt that any competent upholsterer in the states
could have taken care of the issue and saved them a lot of freight.
Bill Beecher
'58 TR-3A TS/30766 L (On the road in 2009!)
"A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of
course, some times it is difficult to make it go"
-----Original Message-----
From: triumphs-bounces@autox.team.net
[mailto:triumphs-bounces@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Bob Danielson
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:21 AM
To: Brian Lanoway; Triumphs Digest
Subject: Re: [TR] TRF - poor business practice
I had a very similar experience a few years ago with a return to them. And
in reading your post it sounds oh so familiar with the excuses they give. I
ended up emailing a Mail List friend who knows the TRF gang personally to
see if he could offer any suggestions. He actually ended up calling them on
my behalf which got the credit processed.
It's one of the reasons I rarely use TRF anymore.
Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 CF38503U
Running w/ Throttle Body Injection,
Toyota 5 speed & Nissan LSD
From: "Brian Lanoway" <blanoway@shaw.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:14 AM
To: "Triumphs Digest" <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] TRF - poor business practice
> I need to apologize first, and then ventwith the hope that it may
> help other TRF customers avoid this situation.
> I returned a set of carpets (worth in excess of $300) to TRF before
> Christmas. Six weeks later, and despite several phone calls, I still
> have not had a refund applied to my credit card a transaction that
> takes minutes in almost all cases.
> TRF (Level 2) claims that my refund is working its way through their
> system again, for a transaction that would take minutes with almost
> any other vendor. IMHO, this really translates to were using your
> cash to finance our operations without your permission and were
> giving you a lame excuse in return.
> Im not sure why a 6 week wait for a refund is acceptable under any
> circumstances. Using someone elses cash this way may be good for
> your finances, but bad for customer relations and retention; which
> should be even more important in these hard times. I hope that there
> arent too many of us on this List financing their operations this
> way.
> I have been a good and faithful TRF customer for years. Im not sure
> that I will continue to be so.
> Thanks for the opportunity to vent something I normally try to avoid
> doing on the List.
> Brian Lanoway
> 1973 TR6
> Winnipeg, Canada
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