Well...what a sad state of affairs. I dropped my
6-Pack membership when they privatized their
website...looks like I'll have to ponder doing the
same with my VTR membership.
I think the information that is now PRIVATE on the VTR
site is a much better RECRUITMENT tool than a
membership retention tool. I personally haven't
looked at that info for years.
By making the RECRUITMENT information private, many
potential members will be turned off, and will never
know what true benefits come from VTR Membership. I
sure wouldn't fork over $20+ just to see if there was
anything worthwhile to read on the site!
As a VTR member, nobody from the board asked for my
input on the issue. I think that before decisions
such as this one are made, the membership should be
consulted for direction.
For the record, I think the board blew it on this
Any information I write for my Sports 6's will NOT be
going on the VTR site. I will post it on my own site
so that ALL will have ACCESS FOR FREE!!!!!
Chad Jester
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