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handbrakes and flashing

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: handbrakes and flashing
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 11:39:26 EST
thanks for the video clip Jeff
i was watching this discussion and thinking back to the days when we used to 
play around Liverpool like that. it was always so easy to do with the 
constantly damp roads. though i was not as skilled. the handbrake turn/slide 
always fun. erm but were we not copying the "drifters" oh yes we were doing it 
years ago..laugh.
i guess this pun works like....what goes around comes around!
as for flash to pass. the Brits made a complete language out of these. 
generally a long flash indicated displeasure, like when a pitiful fool pulls 
from the slow lane in front of you. short flashes were for pleasantries, like 
flashing a guy out from the side street as you sit and wait for a stop light. 
would then short flash you back for thanks. when i first came to the states, 
1/2 a life ago, hardly any one did this but i have noticed more and more people 
doing it as the flash is added to domestic vehicles. i always liked it for 
pleasantries but you cant beat the long lean on a horn followed by one or 2 
fingers, depending on which side of the water your on. 
Frank Fisher

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