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RE: TR3A in Argentina

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: TR3A in Argentina
From: Fernando S�nchez Zinny <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:46:43 -0300
Dear listers

I finally tackled my two problems during the week end and would like to
refer to you the results:
a) Control head. My goodnes!! it took all saturday and an incredible amount
of patience to try, and try,  and try again to place all the little pieces,
especially the springs where they belong. With the control head cleaned and
reasembled, I thought, everything else would be easy. Wrong. I made a
previous mistake writing down the colors to identify the cables. Amasing
results! Turn the indicator to the right and the horn will shout. More time
invested (and a great help from a friend with a "magic"  test lamp), and the
miracle was produced. Everything works OK except for the indicator arm on
the center of the control head, that tends to go back to the neutral
position instead of remaining  left or right. Maybe a piece of plastic
partially broken inside, which I did'nt dare to touch.
Anyway, final result is much better than before, but I'm affraid I'll have
to face a new piece sooner rather than later.
b) Oil pressure gauge. Much Easier. Disconected the gauge from the copper
pipe, and blew this with air. Then I opened the gauge, slightly adjusted the
needle, everything back in place, engine started and there it goes going up
and down smoothly again.
Impossible to tell whether the culprit was the pipe or the gauge. 

I would like to take the opportunity to thank again Fred, Randall, Erick and
Dave. Beeing so far from you geoghraphically, you made me feel very close to
you all, sharing our enthusiasm for our little cars.

All the best,

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