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Re: Valve Cover Issue: Please take it off-list

Subject: Re: Valve Cover Issue: Please take it off-list
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 00:11:07 EDT
yall  have  the  patience  of  Job i  must   say. If  you  had  a  hundred  
or  more  of  my  dollars  and  i  have  no  product  for  it   i  could  not   
wait  6  or  more  months, but  lets  not  rush  to  judgement  and   hope  
that  Jim is  able  to  resolve this for  every one  amicalibly. I mean  he  
has  got  to  be  and  enthusist too and  he  just  got  in a  bad  situation  
hope  it  all  works out  for  every one  in the  best  way  with  the  least 
 stress and hassle possible . You all  have  waited  this  long  hopefully J 
im  can  contact every one  and  make  this  right can t  hurt  to  wait  a  
bit  more.

Jason 71 TR6
good  luck to  you  all
those  valve covers did look  sweet  tho

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