Yeah, I think this is one of the changes at serial number 6000. If you
don't have the bullet nose starter, you don't have the dipstick and you have
to remove the plug on the side of the transmission to check the fluid level.
> I thought I would check the tranny oil level this AM. So I pulled
> the carpet back 0n the tunnel & looked & palpated every around where
> the workshop manual indicated that the hole in the tunnel would be
> (near the top just forward of the hand brake lever) but alas there we
> only solid metal (on both sides).
> Before I jack-up the car, was the tranny dip stick phased out by
> 1960, or am I looking in the wrong place?
> John
> John A. Wise, Ph.D., CPE
> Dept of Distance Education
> Embry-Riddle University
> 5483 West Potter Drive
> Glendale, AZ 85308-9334