I've successfully used PPG DP primer/sealer and PPG 2k finishes over
hardened POR-15 - I just scuff it first with 400 grit wet to give it
some tooth. No reason to suspect the products you propose won't act
the same.
M D "Doc" Nugent
--- Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net> wrote:
> Anyone have any experience with using the POR-15 Chassis Coat Black
> on
> top of the POR-15 rust encapsulator paint AFTER the POR-15 has
> hardened?
> More than several days I guess.
> I called the POR-15 site tech help and they kind'a say that you must
> use
> their tie coat primer over the POR-15 if it has hardened, before you
> use
> their Chassis Coat Black. But then they kind'a hedge on it, saying
> well
> it'll probably work to use the Chassis Coat Black directly on top of
> the
> hardened POR-15 rust encapsulator (the POR-15 semi-gloss is a couple
> of
> weeks old). Sometimes I get they feeling they try to sell you one of
> everything they have.
> Anyone have any experience with using Chassis Coat Black directly
> over
> the POR-15?
> Also, what about the Eastwood Rust Encapsulator and their Chassis
> Coat
> Black. They don't seem to mention the hardening time limitations, and
> the POR-15 guys seem to think that Eastwood's Chassis Coat Black will
> work on top of POR-15 and visa-versa. Feels like POR-15 trys to sell
> me
> one of everything until I start talking about using Eastwood
> competitor's products and then suddenly everything is compatible with
> everything else.
> Gets real confusing.
> Don Malling
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