Hi everyone,
We are getting rid of our 1996 Windstar (next week hopefully!) and this is a
KNOWN problem with the car. See below for other known problems and what
happened to us. One of my good friends is a Ford Master mechanic:
1) Count on the head gasket blowing. Ours had the same symptoms.
2) The engine will likely blow up before 100K. Ours did - we are on a recon
engine. The head went first which we got fixed. It then threw a rod out the
side of the engine when the dealer manager was driving it (talk about
timing!). Apparently they have no trouble with the engine in the
3) Count on the trans blowing up before 100K. We just took ours in last
week for this - thinking that we would get it covered under warrenty but the
warrenty had expired so no dice.
4) We got given a 100,000 mile warrenty from Ford a few years back. We
never paid for it - it just showed up in the mail. Seriously. Wonder
5) Don't quote me on this but I think there *might* be a class action
lawsuit against Ford on this car.
I really HATE to be the bearer of potentially bad news - but we are always
forthright on this list so I did not pull any punchs. If I were you I would
check for a warrenty and if not I would raise holy h**l on it. Surf the net
to see if you can back me up - I think you will find I'm right.