> I had a Rover V8 motor rebuilt and stroked to 4.2 litre for a TR7-TR8
> conversion a few years ago.
> In about 18 months, the spiggot bush began to spin in the motor.
> Everyone I
> asked then suggested that this happened rarely, but when it did
> it indicated
> the spiggot had not been soaked in oil for long enough before being
> installed.
> A different installer, careful fitting, longer soaking in oil,
> same result.
> I've now down just over 100,000 km since the original engine
> rebuild, and the
> fourth spiggot bush has begun to spin.
> Has anyone else had similar problems? Any ideas what could be causing it?
> I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I've never had the problem, but I would be looking at the alignment between
the motor and transmission. On the TR2-4 there are steel pins that are
supposed to control the alignment, and leaving them out can sometimes allow
the transmission to shift enough to cause so much drag in the pilot bearing
that it's misdiagnosed as a clutch problem. Over a long enough period of
time, I'd guess that same drag could cause the pilot bearing to seize to the
input shaft.
Also look at how much run-out the input shaft has, for the same reason.