I made a pretty dumb mistake the first time I bled my TR3 -- when I was a
motorhead kid, whenever I bled brakes it was always the right rear first
because it furthest from the master cylinder...on TR3's the drivers side,
left rear, is furthest from the master cylinder and must be bled first.
-----Original Message-----
From: reveye@speakeasy.net [mailto:reveye@speakeasy.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 9:23 AM
To: Dave Massey; Rissa and Jim
Cc: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: TR3A bleeding procedures
Dave, thank you very much. I guess one other question I have....if bleeding
it the classic way with 2 people, do I need to bleed at the lines where they
meet the master cylinders before moving on to each calliper and wheel
cylinder? And, once moving on to the wheels, is it still the preferred
procedure to start at the wheel furthest from the master cylinder and work
towards it??