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Re: TRF Summer Party - photos up

To: "Graham Stretch" <>
Subject: Re: TRF Summer Party - photos up
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 08:49:51 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Graham Stretch wrote:
It is all to often that when going to an event I am passing Triumph Sports
cars and Sporting Saloons which are making the HGVs overtake them and HGVs
mainly only do 56 mph! I always think this is such a loss for the driver who
could be having much more fun a 70 mph passing things!

Couldn't agree more. I always keep my cars at the very brisk end of things,
though it is becoming expensive. Every time Canley Girl gets to the magic
100mph point, I break the speedo cable! But it's worth it. Nothing better than
p*****g over a brand new Audi or BMW in a 33 year old car when they're not
expecting it.


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