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RE: "2" is painted!

To: <>
Subject: RE: "2" is painted!
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 10:56:32 -0700 FILETIME=[3DE893F0:01C35856]
David Gunn wrote :
> Ohhhhh!?!  I just thought that since it was so low, sleek, and fast
> (especially with the Ferrari color scheme), that I would just slip right
> under "inquiring eyes".

Sure wasn't my experience ... I used to get tickets fairly often when my
TR3A was red, haven't gotten a single one since I had it painted dark green.

However, I have come close.  Probably would've gotten one, if the 5.0
Mustang I'd just passed on an entrance ramp hadn't been able to outrun me on
the freeway.  He had just passed me when I caught a glimpse of a CHP at the
next ramp.  I slowed down, the 5.0 got the ticket.  "I love it when a plan
comes together."


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