Hi Lou
Dad had a signal red 2500TC and it was original when he got it, one previous
owner, known the car since new! That red, PAH, polished up it was nice,
after a week every panel was a different shade, in fact some panels were two
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lou Metelko" <lmtr4a@ctlnet.com>
To: "List" <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 3:44 AM
Subject: Signal Red modern code
> Joe:
> Are you saying that the code you gave for Signal Red was the same from
> thru 1971? Strange, because when one goes to a show, even a TRA Concours
> show, there will be at least a dozen Signal Reds and each of the owners
> claim there's is the only true and correct shade!
> Lou Metelko
> 65 TR4A - Signal Red
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