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Garage heating

To: Triumph <>
Subject: Garage heating
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 16:59:44 -0700
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As we get closer to the month's end closing on our new
two car garage with house attached, I've given the heated
garage thing a thought as well. When it was just *my* TR4
in the garage it wasn't a popular family topic, but now that
my wife's car will be indoors as well I might get some traction
with the idea.

My favorite approach is a gas heater from Reznor. Reznor
has been around forever, my brother worked in their factory
before going into the USAF, and profit from the factory paid
for Trent's guitar lessons. If I don't have one of these installed
I'll likely just add some insulation -- I'm more than a bit wary of adding 
a kludged heater to a garage attached to my home.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO

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