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Rear End Work

To: <> id gB3Fp6j1017579
Subject: Rear End Work
From: "Barlow, Paul" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 07:44:06 -0800
Thread-index: AcKa4s6WiGoJJPylT5C//FiHjEyzLg==
Thread-topic: Rear End Work
Now that the summer is over and the car is resting, I thought that I would fix 
a couple of items. The rear U joints are making that Clunking sound and one of 
the inner bearings is starting to make a noise. My question is how easy is it 
to fix. In reading the books they indicate that for the trouble it maybe better 
to have an expert fix it. Suggestions welcome.

Paul Barlow
TR 250 

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