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Hathaway TR6 and my sluggish GT6

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Hathaway TR6 and my sluggish GT6
From: "Roger Langley" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 22:00:41 -0500
a)  This is the second time he has had this car on e-bay.

b)  I had asked for help with my GT6 being sluggish.  After getting a lot of
good input, I found I have a classic style, vacuum advance (sucked on the
hose and saw the plate move), Delco-Remy distributor.  Running the car at
about 10 degrees before has made a major shift in performance.  It still
isn't top notch but it is tractable and fun.  So, again, great thanks and

Saint Paul

'71 GT6

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