>>Use both exhaust manifolds from a Rover P5B coupe, transpose them
>>for side and mount them so they exit forwards
>P5B parts are unfortunately quite rare here as compared with the P5B
>Are both suitable or only the Coupe parts?
Don't see wy you shouldn't use saloon pipes, but the article didn't
specify why coupes were preferred.
>>Upgrade front and rear suspension with stiffer dampers and front
>>springs. Fit rear springs from a 2500 Estate.
>Again, the Estates are as rare as hens teeth here in Oz, which is
>unfortunate as they are truly great cars. I wouldn't mind one to haul
>etc in. But, back to point, are there any alternative front springs
>would work?
I guess Terry O'Beirne could point you in the rigt direction on tat
The PI saloons are not lacking in pace
>(or space and grace ;-), if you can score a Mk1 manual overdrive PI
you will
>have one of the very best grand tourers to ever come out of England
Amen to that - exccept for the fact tat I greatly doubt the majority
of trans-pond listers would agree to such heresy? I suppose it could
be because we kept the best for use within the Commonwealth? <g>
Cheers, John
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