Message text written by Mark Hooper
>I have been using a Crane Cams XR700 since I installed it in the engine in
1995 during the rebuild. Sat it the cold, in the warm, in the wet and dry.
Works beautifully. An optical slot cutoff is far less prone to temperature
and vibration timing issues than a magnet moving through a shallow arc in a
hall-effect switch.
I switch to the Crane system on my TR6 after the condensor on my breaker
point ignition system failed suddenly and left me stranded. I have had
similar experience with mine. Turn the key and go.
One advantage to the magnetic pick-up variety over the optical pickup is
immunity to dirt. It is possible to get enough grease, oil and dirt on the
optical device to render it unreliable whereas the magnetic pick-up device
would have to be fouled with metal shavings to effect it. But the optical
interupter with radial slots will accomodate distributor wobble better than
just abotu anything else.
I guess if there is a message here it is: if your Crane is misbehaving,
check the optical interupter. Make sure it is clean.
Cheers all
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